playfight xberg

Grafik Fun @ Playfight Berlin Kreuzberg

 next Playfight Dates:

playfight xberg

playfully fighting
grappling like as a child
joyfully rolling around
like animal kids
boisterously rollicking

guided and with set rules

Always fridays from 8pm-11pm

admission fee 15€ at the door, reduced price 10€ if you reserved a spot via email



Tel: 491777058061

(in case the door downstairs is locked)


Capoeira Akademie Berlin
Hasenheide 9
10967 Berlin

Through yard entrance > to 2nd back yard (parking space)
first door to staircase hallway on the right side one stair up up to the next floor

playfight consolidates playing, conscious fighting, and mindfullness,
in a safe and respectfull environment

we are fighting together, not against each other.
we´re all about having fun, not about defeating.
we use our strength and abilities without a will to to hurt.
carefully, playfully, more vigorously, mindfully.
with us, there´s a lot of laughing.

playfighting is is joyfull and gives happiness.

there´s no need for prior experience or a special sportive fitness.

we gladly welcome fair play mates.
we are considerate with each other and encouter each other other with respect and curiosity.
it is about body contact without sexual context, about motion and about having intense joy.

Maximum height when playfighting is kneeling, as to keep the falling distance low

Everybody can say STOP anytime. the ongoing action is halted immediately.

This does not necessarily mean that the fight has to end, it can just mean to halt and to resolve the problem.

Explicitly forbiden: fighting techniques that are meant to cause injury, so NO strangling, kicking, beating, levers, biting, hard hair pulling…


Before each fight, arrangements about special wishes and/or personal sensitivities can be stipulated.

or you can simply try and find out how the energy of the interaction evolves, as you can always say STOP and clear up things.

  • we warm up physically, with different exercises
  • perform exercises to set our own boundaries and to respect the boundaries of our partner
  • and of course get to know each other a little bit already..


for fighting, 2 persons meet in the middle of the circle

the fight partners can find each other in a couple of ways. to decline an invitation, simply say „no“, no further explanation is required.

the other participants are sitting in a cycle around them and observe the fight, and help to provide a safe space.

we recommend

  • bring comfy clothing, long sleeves and pants, and socks with you                 
  • please take out or put tape over jewelery
  • also bring something to drink for yourself


there´s no need for prior experience or a special sportive fitness.


also notice:

playfight is sport.
bruises and abrasions are normal in playfighting.
more serious injuries are extremely rare.
we assume no liability,

everyone takes part on their own responsibility                                        

we are a safe space for


..and everyone else..




Capoeira Akademie Berlin:


Parkgalerie Berlin:


Ulf Martin Andresen: