playfight xberg

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From now on, May is officially in the leading team as assistant. More about her under the rider „leading team“


We have a telegram chanel for playfight dates, news, and changes (if there are any), and sharing photos..

the invitation link is:

    next Playfight Dates:

Saturday, 8th of February

Saturday, 22nd of February

Saturday, 8th of March

Saturday, 22nd of March


playfight xberg

playfully fighting
grappling like as a child
joyfully rolling around
like animal kids
boisterously rollicking

guided and with set rules

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday per month, from 8pm-11pm

(Doors open 19:45)

admission fee 15€ at the door, reduced price 10€ if you reserved a spot via email


Capoeira Akademie Berlin
Hasenheide 9
10967 Berlin

Through yard entrance > to 2nd back yard (parking space)
first door to staircase hallway on the right side one stair up up to the next floor


Tel: 491799437721

(in case the door downstairs is locked)


playfight consolidates creative ideas with exuberant playing and mindfull fighting, in a safe and respectfull environment.

we are fighting together, not against each other.

we’re all about having fun, not about defeating.

we use our strength and abilities without a will to to hurt.

carefully, playfully, more vigorously, mindfully.

with us, there’s a lot of laughing.

playfighting is absolutely fun, and sometimes even make feelings of deep happiness come up.

there’s no need for prior experience in fighting, or for a special sportive fitness.

We gladly welcome all fair co-players.

We are considerate with each other and encouter each other other with respect and curiosity.

It is about body contact without sexual context, about motion and about having intense joy.


Maximum height when playfighting is kneeling, as to keep the falling distance low.

Everybody can say STOP anytime. The ongoing action is halted immediately.

This does not necessarily mean that the fight has to end, it can just mean to halt and to resolve the problem.

Explicitly forbiden: fighting techniques that are meant to cause injury, so NO strangling, kicking, beating, levers, biting, hard hair pulling…

Before each fight, arrangements about special wishes and/or personal sensitivities can be stipulated.

or you can simply try and find out how the energy of the interaction evolves, it’s also possible to make further arrangements whilst playing, and also you can always say STOP and clear up things.

warm-up and mini-workshop

  • we activate our body with a set of exercises
  • practise to set our own boundaries and to respect the boundaries of our partner
  • test a number of ideas about how we can fight
  • do some rolling and breakfall exercises
  • and of course get to know each other a little bit already.

main part

for fighting, 2 persons meet in the middle of the circle

the fight partners can find each other in a couple of ways. to decline an invitation, simply say or signal „no“, no further explanation is required.

the other participants are sitting in a cycle around the fighters,  and observe the fight, and thus help to provide a safe space.


kindly regard:

  • please take out or put tape over your jewelery.
  • also bring something to drink for yourself (or an empty bottle for tap water)
  • our floor mats are rather harmless in regards to skin abrasions,  but to be sure to completely avoid them, bring clothing with long sleeves and pants, and socks with you.

there´s no need for prior experience or a special sportive fitness.

also notice:

playfight is sport.
bruises and abrasions are normal in playfighting.
more serious injuries are extremely rare.
we assume no liability, everyone takes part on their own responsibility    

click the link for our Photo Collection 

most of our pictures also can be found on our  instagram

here are a few selected photos:

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Event Room

Dressing RoomsImg 8024

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Coin Operated Showers (50Cent-Coins, rather 2 Coins needed)

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Translated excerpts from the newspaper article about playfight xberg by Robert Klages, issued 9th of Jan. 2025  in Berliner Tagesspiegel (paywall) and in  Newsletter Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
(free acces):

„Playfight“ is an intense experience, a mix of fighting and playing. It’s not about winning, but about having fun, about scuffling like children or animals – and about experiencing and testing one owns boundaries.


Ufuk has a good techique and using it he soon is able push to me down to the ground. Using all my strength I try to escape. „It’s not about winning“ trainer Ulf had explained earlier, and I feel Ufuk letting go so I get my turn to slam him to the ground.


A fantastic feeling. Not only are my knees sore, but also my muscles are.


I’m doing a bild fight with Angelo, so with blindfolds. That makes the experience even more intense. The group takes care that we don’t crash into the walls. Angelo soon has me down on the ground, and I have to bring up all my strength to escape, and it’s a very liberating feeling to bring up all powers, and to feel them.


At the start, to fight with stangers required a bit of willpower for me.

When it’s my turn against Andrea, things get funnier, because she tickles me. „That’s unfair“ I scream, and have to laugh loudly, and tickle her back.

We are scruffling on the ground, are rolling back and forth. Exhausted I’m lying on the mat again, no-one has won.


Your Host: Ulf Martin Andresen

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I’m a private music instructor for piano, saxophone and clarintet.

From 2008 I participated in a lot of playfight-venues by various hosts, and after a good deal of thoughts I founded my own venue,  Playfight Xberg mid of May 2024.

I still find fascinating how many things one rather automatically trains/exercises simultaneousy when  playfighting – physically: strength, endurance, mobility, and coordination – mentally: being present with oneself, feeling one’s boundaries, wishes and needs, and taking them into account, as well as relating to the respective partners.. taking care fore each other, whilst having a lot of freedom for creative ideas, being able to confidentially leave one’s comfort zone in order to grow, because when one’s boundaries are approached one can  always interrupt/stop everything…

furthermore interesting is that one can provoke each other and challenge each other in all friendliness.. and also that we go into body contact..

it´s also great that one automatically develops more awareness for one’s own body..

and yet I believe that the positive side effects are actually only side effects that normally should rather be casually accepted (instead of trying to use them therapeutically) – in my opinion letting the fun stay in playfighting is eminent, among other things because one learns best then 😉

As your playfight host, I want to structure each given evening in a way that grants everybody is physically tuned in optimally, have a lot of ideas available in which other ways one could fight/play, have (re-) practised to react to both „stop“ and to the traffic light code, as well as having practised to use both codes…

so that during the playfight everyone can feel totally comfortable, and at the end of the evening go home (or which place ever) happy and fullfilled.

Assisted by: May

I am Egyptian-Sudanese,  and firstly I think i should mention that after being in Germany for 17 years by now, I understand German well, but am not able to speak it.

I’m in a relationship with Ulf, and went to attend his playfight because he asked several times, although I really tought I would not like it, but then seeing it I also wanted to try, and actually found it to be a lot of fun.

When Ulf told me he could need some help organizing, and also someone to show examples of the many the ways one can playfight, and asked me if I could  assist, I happily agreed.

I am mother of a 13 y.o., and a designer.

May Khairy
21:23 20 Jan 25
It was so much fun. I’m usually a shy person and I thought I wouldn’t participate so much but it was actually easy to feel comfortable enough to play. Everyone was so nice specially the instructor. I will definitely go again.
martin gruber
04:48 20 Jan 25
Simply the best playfight in Berlin 😊..ok I may not know all of them, but I actually think this one is the best.The workshop and warm-up are very well intertwined, and I really enjoy that part every time.And the main part with the game fights is always great, I think nice and interesting people come every time, and after the warm-up I always have a kind of group feeling right from the start, it actually feels like a party to me like everyone is in a good mood, and fighting yourself is of course the best thing – I find it exciting to try out the different styles that were presented before, but wild and as if it’s all about winning is still usually the most fun for me.I’ll definitely join in often 😊
21:33 11 Jan 25
Rosé Gio
12:19 25 Oct 24
It’s great fun, you exchange ideas and can also make new contacts
Lena Br.
05:36 20 Jul 24
A very pleasant, safe space. Guided warm-up at the beginning and good support throughout. I’ll be back!
Tim Karjat
13:58 02 Jul 24
Nice event, with a good warm-up (very important) and enough space to get some exercise.Compared to other playfight events, the focus is more on play than on fight, but that is also an advantage.

we are a safe space for


..and everyone else..

Qr Telegram Kanal Playfight Xberg

Telegram-Channel playfight-xberg

(Dates, Changes, and News)



Capoeira Akademie Berlin:


Ulf Martin Andresen: